Church Ministries


Bible Publishing
In cooperation with Bearing Precious Seed Publishing, we help assemble the books of the Bible, John and Romans, to be sent out to churches and missionaries around the world. 

Visitation and Bus Route
It is our desire to reach out with the gospel to those who come to visit our church as well as to those living in our community. 

Adult Choir and Special Music
Music is an important part of worship, and we aim to have music that is pleasing to our Lord. Over 40 faithful members sing in the adult choir each week. Many sing in special groups, solos and other music specials. 

Discipleship Programs and Bible Studies
We offer discipleship and Bible study programs for those young or mature Christians who 
desire to learn more about God's Word. 

Food Pantry
We understand that there are many who fall upon hard times in their lives, so we offer the use of a small food pantry to help in these rough hours. 

Drama and Puppets
We use drama and puppets to present the gospel and break down barriers with children and adults alike. We semi-annually present A Christian Christmas Carol, a musical drama based on Dickens' classic, as a means to reach out to the community. 

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